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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (15015) 2018-11-25

xSINCORAECHMEA ‘Salmon Rose’ Georgusis, James 2017

Mature, open rosette to 30" (75cm. ) diameter x 20" (50cm. ) high. Outspreading spoke-like, glossy, salmon rose / burnished orange leaves, each to 1" (2.5cm.) wide, lightly spined and tapering to a fine point. Semi-recessed, compound inflorescense of lavender flowers. Free suckering. and colourful in strong light even when not in flower. Grex sibling = x Sincoraechmea 'Firedancer'. Reg. Doc. 11/2018.
Country of origin: Louisiana USA

Seed Parent: Sincoraea navioides Pollen Parent: Aechmea fasciata (spineless)